Monday, January 29, 2007

generating buzz for an image revamp

Bloggers seem to be taking some pointers from Wal-Mart's PR offices and crusading to help the corporate supergiant regain some of its popularity. While researching new PR campaigns I kept coming across Wal-Mart and its new approach in promotion. I read in a New York Times article that Wal-Mart has been enlisting the help of bloggers to reach past the main stream media and spread the word that Wal-Mart (the largest private employer) isn't the mega-monster it is portrayed as and it hopes that reaching out to bloggers may help to heal its wounded image.

Whether or not you support Wal-Mart I think it is interesting to note their tactic here. Blogging is no longer a place to vent personal feelings, but companies (even ones as large as Wal-Mart) are utilizing the web and blogs as a tool for image reconstruction. Wal-Mart is using popular bloggers as a means for damage control. It is most definitely buzz quality news and it begs the question of just how influential are weblogs? If a multi-billion dollar corporation's PR company holds the belief that the endorsements of a few well-known, and I'm sure frequently read, bloggers will help to repair their damaged image then the relm of blogging holds no limits to its potential in the future as tools for news.

I hope you found this interesting and beneficial in some way, please check out the link below and read the article!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Hi and welcome to my very first blog! I am working on this blog for my advanced communication skills class at SMU where I am studying corporate communications and public affairs. I am currently learning how to set up, manage, and update my own blog, so I am hoping that as the semester progresses my blog will continue to progress as well. The purpose is to learn the skills of weblogging and to utilize them as an online tool for public relations. I am really looking forward to a great semester and hope that my blog will continue to improve!