Friday, March 23, 2007

The ONE Campaign

For a class assignment we were asked to research a campaign, any campaign of our choosing, and to write a case study on it. While browsing the web I came across the ONE Campaign, and it immediately caught my interest.

I saw the video campaigns for ONE on tv about a year ago, it was all over MTV and the web, with faces like Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, and of course, Bono asking for help in the fight against poverty and AIDS.

I am going to be completely honest here and say that other than the video clip itself I really didn’t give much thought to the campaign. As a teenager in America, the grief and horrific circumstances of poverty stricken nations seemed too large a cause for just one individual to make a difference.

Now, over a year later, slightly older and more aware of the global state because it is something I will be entering into soon, I had a different reaction to the ONE campaign. The campaign is an effort for Americans to rally Americans to help end extreme poverty and AIDS in not only foreign countries, but here at home.

The site dedicated to the Campaign ( is an amazing website that has links to news articles regarding the campaign and its efforts and, what’s even more relevant to this class, a blog. Over the past few months I have read and studied a lot of blogs and this one is by far the best. It helps that the subject is something that people are passionate about, but I also like how it is open to multiple writers which gives it a great dynamic. Ashley Judd even contributes to the blog journaling about her time in India and her efforts to reach out to women there.

The ONE Campaign doesn’t ask for your money, all it asks for is your voice. It encourages people from all walks of life to commit to the cause and sign the declaration; it’s as simple as that. People standing as one, with one voice, and one goal: to end extreme poverty. The campaign’s success is dependent upon our involvement. We hold the map to the future of our world, and its up to us to decide where we want to go.

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