Friday, February 2, 2007

Blogging as a Tool

We are living in a technological revolution. My generation is embarking upon a whole new form of mass media, and as the internet continues to advance, people are finding more and more ways of utilizing the World Wide Web as a means of voicing their thoughts and opinions. The internet facilitates free speech in ways that America hasn’t seen since the golden days of journalism. Inhibitions go out the door as people use the internet as an outlet for opinions.

As I delved into my research into the realm of blogs I became more and more aware of the diversity of thoughts that people posted. There are individual blogs, such as MySpace, or corporate blogs like Sun Microsystems. There are blogs for entertainment and there are blogs for news. Whatever your taste may be there is a blog out there for you, though finding it may be like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack.

So where does blogging as a tool for PR fit in here? Well, pretty much anywhere you would like, and by that I mean blogging for PR has adopted the same traits of a social media as any other blog on the net. From PR firms employing prominent bloggers to endorse a specific company (please reference my previous post on Wal-Mart) to sports PR (, to entertainment PR ( Possibilities in this field seem virtually endless.

A successful blog exhibits all the qualities of social media. Presenting a place where people go to share their ideas, interests, passions, and opinions. Yet, as a new blogger and one who is new to the field of PR myself it is at times hard to distinguish the quality sites from the ones who just wish to vent some steam. Blogging as a tool for PR can open doors for companies to bypass the other forms of mass media and really cut out the middle man.

It is an amazing opportunity to promote a company and the possibilities seem endless for potential and growth. The future lies here, blogs will be a tour de force in the field of online public relations and I am excited to see where this new channel will lead companies and their constituencies.


Whitney said...

I met with the Media Relations director for the Texas Rangers and we discussed sports blogs for quite some time. We both agreed that this new technology is perfect for the business of sports communication. The more people talking about your team the better. It is so easy and it can reach so many people. You can kiss billboards goodbye, blogging is turning into a new form of advertising.

Julie Sinacola said...

Hey there! I completely agree with everything you said on how blogging is growing within the industry and how it helps corporations. I found similar information when researching how blogging helps create buzz.

College Bloggers said...

Lots of good observations in your posting. Break up your lengthy blocks of copy and be sure to say where you got your quotes or info. Attribute information.
Nice job. Your blog site looks great.